Friday, June 13, 2008


So, in light of recent events, I've been feeling pretty down on St. Louis City. I mean, did I really move here to live in the midst of the crime in one of the nation's most dangerous cities? To tell you the truth, it's not that bad. The crime stinks, yes, but the times I see it are few and far between, if at all.

St. Louis has several redeeming qualities that make it precious to me — one of which I experienced last night — the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival. It wasn't even that the play was incredibly spectacular (I love Shakespeare, but this is not even close to being one of my faves) ... more of the fact that I live in an urban area where you can still do communal things like this. I love that I have Forest Park at my back door — nearly 1,300 acres of leisure at my disposal (and yes, for you New York City Kids, that IS bigger than Central Park). I think, for the most part, it's the sense of community you feel when you attend events like this ... sitting on a blanket, drinking wine, watching Shakespeare acted out on stage surrounded by a diverse crowd of art lovers. Just a bunch of people hanging out in Forest Park on a nice evening. To me, it was undeniably St. Louis. And I like that.